Friday, May 22, 2009

highights of the week!

i had my first Behavioral Science interview this week.. =)
we were to take down the patient's history for the doctor..
my group's simulated patient was simply awesome!
he's a Chinese uncle, may be around 50 years old..
totally got into all of his characters - 9 different scenarios in total!

he was only given 8 scenarios to act with 9 of us in the group..
so he was given an option to repeat any scenario or make up one..
but he chose to use his real-life situation for us.. cool leh?

he was showing signs of headache, emoness, bad english etc..
very good practice for us, he was a really good actor..
IMU really paid him well cos i saw him again the next day..
and guess what for? Semester 5 clinical exam.. haha..

we had a good facilitator too.. *drumrolls* Mr Alexius!
he gave us on insights and commented on each of our interview..
about what's good and what's not and how to improve! =)
hopefully i'll do well and better for the interview exam!

-------------------------- Time for American Idol 2009 ---------------------

by now everyone should know who won right?
immediately after morning lectures..
we rushed down to the Student Lounge from 4th floor to LG..
Zeng was WAYYY faster though, like the speed of lightning! haha..
just to check whether the Finale was still on-going..
but no, it was already long over like for 20 minutes!

so he tried Google-ing for the results with his phone..
the connection was slow and eventually failed..
probably because we were right outside the Dental Clinic
our class was to start very soon! oh no.. panic panic~
then i came up with an idea.. go Google from Emo Bookstore!

Kris Allen was name the winner!
it was ok but i kinda hoped Adam Lambert would win..
Adam defintely have better vocals compared to Kris..
but probably it was Kris' image that won the people's hearts..

catch the last few moments of the American Idol 2009 Finale:

just look at their reaction after the results were announced!

i say, Kris handled his win pretty badly.. it was *tuuuut*
he did not really express his gratitude and surprise..
when Ryan Seacrest asked him how he felt..
only at the end he cried in the arms of his wife!
probably finally being overwhelmed with emotions.. =P

Adam on the other hand, totally faked it..
he acted as if Kris was a sure-winner.. like "AAHHH!!"
smiling all the way then he hugged Kris tightly..
he must have been so hurt inside.. aww..

i totally need to share the funniest performance in the Finale..
i think it was a no-show for Katrina singing wise..
totally drowned by Kara's powerful voice.. haha..

Idol judge Kara Dioguordi VS "Bikini Girl" Karina Darrell:

last but not least.. We Are The Champions!

check out the discussion about why Adam Lambert lost..
pretty entertaining.. haha..

for more info, log on to this website..
see you in January 2010! =D

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