i know this year's IMU Cup ended exactly a week ago..
like after nearly 5 whole months of practices and games!
but i was a little tied up with my notes.. so yeah~
my house.. the fiery red Phoenix got 2nd place overall.. =)
check out our standings for each event right here..
anyway, i wasn't at the finale a.k.a. closing ceremony..
so obviously i didn't get to watch the cheerleading competition!
i really wanted to, but the event started only around 7pm or so..
i had a birthday bash cum dinner to attend..
check out the wonderful cheers by the top 3 houses~ a MUST!!
this is the gold class performance by Griffin (orange) house..
their pyramid, spinning and flying were fantabulous!
silver medal won by Pegasus (white) house..
today's birthday boy Jeffrey was being thrown up many times..
i salute them for the feat!
Phoenix house took home bronze.. lots of girls i noticed!
it's pretty good except for some tumbles.. hehe..
i really want to give two thumbs up!
IMU has a lot of talented students who don't only study..
they can sing, dance, cheer, do sports, make videos etc..
these are your future doctors, dentists and pharmacists yo! =D
now it's time to study for EOS.. i shall make it to Semester 3!!!
then my dreams of being an Orientation Officer plus..
winning a medal for Phoenix badminton team will come true!
wish me luck, pray hard and study smart~ *yay! yay! yay!*