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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My very first encounter during Spring was last year.
It was more often wet and rainy than it is filled with sunshine.
My less than sturdy umbrella (bought urgently in Tokyo) barely survived the wind!

So of all the seasons I've experienced here, Spring lies in the bottom of my list.
The weather here is nowhere near those seen in Hollywood movies. Haha

It's nearly 2 weeks into Spring this year, there were more sunshine.

And I thought "Heyyy, the weather is not too bad! Sunny and the warm breeze" =)
So we headed out for some picture-perfect moments last Saturday.
We ain't gonna miss another year of cherry blossoms!
Cos we were a week late last year, and most of them were already on the ground.

 Pretty view outside the University Clock Tower =)

3 days later which is today - Tuesday, it hailed throughout the day!

We were experiencing 4 seasons a day, it hailed then sun's out then hailed again.
The best part of the story? We had a nice and warm winter the past 3 months.
Probably about 5-10°C on average? There was no snow at all, unlike last year.
But the ground was all white today, and it's still hailing right up to now!

Right outside our courtyard in Spring! The ground is whiter now. @.@

It still amazes me how the weather here takes a 360° turn so quickly.

Mother nature is so unpredictable especially at this end of the world!

A very reliable source of weather update states:

"1.8°C  but feels like -1°C" outside at the moment.
Who knew one could actually be frozen in Spring?

Hope the sunshine would return very soon! 

I can't afford any cancellations from my patients~ *fingers crossed*

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